Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 4 - Providence to Iceland

I started out today saying goodbye to Stephanie as she headed off to work. I then got ready and Stephanie´s friend came and picked me up and we went and had brunch chilled around Providence. My flight left at 9:30pm and I wanted to be sure I was at the airport with enough time, so I shot for 6-6:30. That meant we had to leave Providence around 5pm, and I wanted to be back to pack up my suitcases and finish downloading some things to my Kindle.

Brunch was good, we went to a little restaurant on Broadway street, which is near downtown Providence. I had a very good Omelet and home-fries. Afterward we went down to another place that is known for mimosa´s and had a mimosa and just talked. Later we walked around the area, I got some last minute things at Walgreens and we headed back so I could pack up.

I had enough time with packing, since I couldn´t access the wifi to download things to my Kindle that I was able to make some calls. Eventually we headed out for the airport and we arrived just after 6pm, good timing.

I left out of Terminal E, which is the international Terminal at Boston Airport. Let me tell you this was a no-frills type of terminal. I got checked in and through security in about 45 min (but better early and with enough time than late), and through security it was a very interesting terminal. It seemed like it was an old metal building that they fashioned into a terminal about 20 years ago. I mean it´s plenty nice, but like I´m use to at other airports, the gates, were all along the exterior wall, and they were not jutted out in anyway. The seating for everyone was in the middle of the building with just a few little places to eat or shop. The big positive was that they had free wifi and so I could download those books I wanted! Yay!

I got to chat with my mom and dad before heading out and the flight took off pretty much on time. I am determined to sleep, but this plane is really quite nice. My day/night will be cut short with my flight east, so this really is the end of my fourth day. On my Icelandic Air flight, I am in the exit row, giving me plenty of leg space, I have plenty of personal space, I got my own pillow and very nice blanket and the personal tv for us in the exit row is under the seat. So these digs for a flight are nice perks. I can´t remember or know if this is just international and I haven´t flown it in a while, or if it´s a non-American airline that gives some nicer perks.

Regardless, Good night.


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